Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Feeling Great...

I got up this morning and forced myself on the treadmill... it wasn't so bad once I was on it. Gave me some time to think and prepare for my day. When I got off I was super energized and ready to rock once I got to work.

I thought about a few things when I was on the treadmill...

I got on the scale this morning, mine is sometimes wonky but gives me an idea of where I am within a pound, sometimes even closer... either way, I got on the scale this morning - it said 181.5! I weighed in at 183.6 last weigh-in (on Thursday)... my starting weight was 196.2 so that means I'm down 14.7! I think for sure I'll be getting my 15 pound marker next meeting, I can't wait.

I started thinking about why this time is different from my other attempts. I'm actually doing it this time. I'm actually losing weight and sticking to my journey! I think this time I'm looking at it differently. When I go to meetings I take the time out from my day actually sit there and listen to what the leader has to say. Since I have a busy schedule, my meetings are really my only ME time. I think that's why I've keep it so hush-hush about me attending meetings. I want them all for me, my time.

I listen to what the leader has to say, but also I've changed the way I eat... I think healthy and getting the most out of my points (most days). In past attempts I was still going to fast foods, trying to convince myself a whooper jr. was really just a small 6 point hamburger. Since I restarted I haven't even thought about fast food, there really isn't anything there for me... and if there is, the servings are too small. Not worth the points.

Aside from WW people, or my healthy friends... everyone either laughs or looks at me crazy when I say I'm making it a healthy Thanksgiving this year. They assume all I'm having is turkey and salad... funny thing is I don't even have salad on my thanksgiving menu right now. I don't think I will add it either, it's a holiday... I don't want a bowl of lettuce with turkey sprinkled on top. I want the good stuff, except healthier. There are a few things I won't be making healthy, like the cheese cake, cookies, and peach cobbler crisp. What I am doing is making myself a crustless pumpkin pie, the cheese cake if I break it up into a pan of 24 cupcakes comes up to I think about 3 points (I'll have to calculated it again). The cookies are to take to Ross' mother's house... and the peach cobbler crisp is for Ross.

I'm making the cranberry sauce with splenda, the veggie sides should be okay... the only fattening thing is the stuffing, gravy, and cornbread. I'm skipping over the casserole dishes like macaroni and cheese. I'm sure all the fattening stuff will be at Ross' mothers... so I'll eat healthy at home and just nibble at her house.

I feel good and confident I'm going to make it through this holiday on-program.


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