Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yesterday for the first time in over a month I used 1 activity point and two flex points. I only earned 1 activity point for the day. I was super down. Today, I'm making up for it. I'm up early... since I didn't exercise yesterday, I'm hitting the lake today.

Today's goal is to walk 10 miles... which should earn me 7 activity points by the end of the day! I'm starting to add more veggies to my menu also. I'm going to kick ass today. Thursday the scale will be UNDER 170!

Happy Losing...


karen said...

10 miles? In a day? Whaddya have ... magic shoes? (And where can I buy some???) ;)

karen said...

Hey Rosie ... it's August ... POST SOMETHING!!! Let us (or at least me) know how you're doing, okay? I miss seeing you towards the top of my roll :)

Grace said...

ROSIE WHERE ARE YOU? Like Karen said...It's August! I miss your posts and hope you are doing okay.