Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Current Update

This week I lost 2.3lbs this past week. I did my weigh-in on Friday morning because that's the closest to Saturday morning I'd be able to. The weekend was a bust. Too much to drink, too much to eat, but I did lots of walking a kickball playing so it wasn't a TOTAL bust, however coming back I didn't get a change to prep for the week... so Monday and today we're struggles that I don't think I did my best.

As soon as I finish this post, it's too the kitchen to prep my food and update my calendar. It's also a broke week so I've got to make due with what I have until Friday when I get paid. I'm limited fruit, but do have veggies and chicken in the freezer and feta cheese... I'll make it work!

It also started raining tonight, hopefully it won't be raining tomorrow evening cuz it's back to the gym for me for the rest of the week... rain or shine!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Last Day

I'm on the last day of my 1 week Challenge and my first week back on stricter op. I think today'll be a piece of cake!

My only challenge will be dinner on the go. I weigh-in tomorrow morning. I have my scale packed.

My new week starts tomorrow. I have my workout clothes packed, my feta cheese, water bottle. It's gonna be a weekend on the go, I should of packed my protein powder but I ran out of time.

It's okay. I'll figure it out. I'm determined to say op next week. I might have to dip into my extra 49 points next week... but I'm going to aim not too. Tomorrow there's going to be a kickball game including everyone. There should be calories burned there, I'm going prepared for a morning run and there might be a nice walk to the park.

Activity Points Weekend Goals:
-Today: 5
-Saturday: 10
-Sunday: 10

Today's goal is to stay within points, earn my activity points (which should be no problem), and drink my water early... lately at 11-something at night I've been chugging water.

Here's to a great day and OP weekend!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 5 of OP One Week Challenge

I apologize for the lack of updates this week... It's been a bit crazy. I'm still trying to workout a routine that's do-able without isolating myself from the world. I am at the end of Day 5 OP and Day 4 of the Squat Challenge.
I did 80 squats today and tomorrow they get up'd to 100.
Between food prepping, the gym and work I feel like I don't have time to even talk on the phone... but on the positive side I can feel my mood and energy changing. Despite everything this week I wake up happy and once out of bed I feel energized.
I think high carbs and extra sugar were draining me of energy and feeling good.
Before starting the Squat Challenge I took a picture
( see below)...
By the end of the challenge, I hope to see a pumped and lefted booty....

Saturday, November 09, 2013

Day 1 of DSD's OP One Week Challenge

I had no joiners... so it's a one diva challenge!

I've made it through day one. I worked out with my trainer today. I ate on program, I earned 9 points. My goal is a 10 point day average, I still have two hours to make up that point. I'll take Penelope around the complex real quick.

To hit my daily goal I need to finish off that one point and finish my last 4 glasses of water.

Tomorrow - I'll be cleaning out my refrigerator, planning my meals for the week, working out and making some posters.

I've never been into or good with group exercise classes but I'm tempted to go try out a cycling class. It's at 8am tomorrow morning. I was feeling gungho about it today but as it gets later in the night, I'm not too sure I want to do it tomorrow. I might just go later in the morning and hit the cardio room. :o/

Yyyyaaahhh Day 1 is thisclose to being done.

Tomorrow is a new day with a new beginning, I need to remember to keep my focus, control and motivation.

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

OP One Week Challenge

There are so many aspects to weight loss and you are like me lately, use to free style eating and no regular exercise schedule... creating (or getting back into) a weight loss regiment can be a challenge.
Lately it seems like week after week I restart on Saturday and fall off by Wednesday.

It's not lack of motivation or tools. I want to lose weight. I want to be a healthier me. I want to fit into my Wonder Woman suit properly.

And tools... I have them all: food, free gym, a personal trainer, Weight Watchers Online, knowledge.
I think I lack a routine, organization, a daily regiment that includes all aspects of weight loss: Intake Monitoring, Food Journaling, Meal Planning & Prep, Water Drinking, Vitamin Taking and Exercise.

That's not too long of a list and with proper planning all do-able daily.
I'm challenging myself and those of you struggling to a full week of all of the above...
Who's with me? We can start Saturday and check in on DietSodaDiva.com daily in the comments.

This challenge is all about staying OP, not a scale challenge? If you'd like to join leave a comment... No prize this time. You're reward will eventually come with a smaller number on the scale and a healthier you.

Do I have any joiners?

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Hot Cocoa is my Methadone...

I don't know what my problem was yesterday or really lately. I think maybe emotions, stress and possibly depression trying to creep in. I don't know what my deal is but whatever it is I got to push through it and pick myself up and get cooking and moving.

I need to get in the habit of prepping my food the night before and getting my butt to the gym everyday (when I say every day I mean 4-5 times a week).

I know this, I've been known this... now I just have to figure out a way to turn cooking into a habit and awaken my gym habit up.

Sunday, I could have easily prepped my food for Monday. I have no excuses.

I over ate yesterday and didn't exercise. I got home, laid down and called it a night. Another thing I need to work on is a schedule. During the week I wake up in the morning, get dressed like a bat out of hell and run to make it to the bus stop by 6:05 or 7:10 depending of what my work day starts.

On Saturdays, I get up weigh-in and meet my trainer... that's it. Beyond those two things I have no other routine. Not even getting home from work is a set routine. Either my neighbor gives me a ride or I catch the bus for an hour ride.

I think having a set schedule would also help with weight loss... I can work food prep in, workouts and blogging. Blogging allows me to vent, share and get/give support. Support when trying to lose weight is underestimated as a necessity.

Yesterday, I over ate so much I won't be able to make those points up - it'll be impossible. So I'm restarting my count today. I'm sticking to my allotted 27 points, and any points I have I will allow myself to use half of those. I know I should have any considering I've over eaten for 3 days... but I'm not trying to set myself up for failure, and realistically I'm a hunger girl - I need extra points. I think I can handle only using half of what I earned.

So far today I've had:
- 1 egg
- 1 egg white
- 1 pita pocket
- hot chocolate/coffee
- Banana
Total Points: 8

It's a lot of points for just a meal... the hot chocolate was 4 points, but I think it's worth it right now. Around the office we have TONS of Halloween candy floating around, especially in my department and it's all too tempting for a chocolate/sugar addict. So having a controlled amount like a cup of hot cocoa will do me better than trying to stay away from it all together and then breaking down in the middle of the day and shoving Fun Size Snickers down my throat.

Hot Cocoa is my Methadone...

For snacks I have baggy of seaweed and a 2 pomegranates, for lunch I have a grilled spinach mix with spinach (of course), tomatoes, turmeric and onions - topped with Feta Cheese (my favorite) for a total of 2 points!

For dinner, I'm not sure yet. I might have more spinach or maybe I'll try making a chicken/chili mix. I have an idea of grilling a Weight Watchers Chicken Burger (chopped up), roasted Pasilla Chili Peppers and Feta - all shoved into a pita bread. That'd be 7 points... not too bad.

We'll see...

Sunday, November 03, 2013


Last week I did pretty good. I didn't kick arse but I was pretty darn good and stayed within points until Friday... then I don't know what happen. Maybe it was excitement, nerves, fear... all of the above. But by the end of the day Friday I was over by 39 points... What the heck?! I got on the scale Saturday morning at 7:15am... and weighed exactly the same as last week.

Can you feel my disappointment. I worked kind of hard and expected at least a bit of a loss. I know I messed up Friday but still I felt I had worked hard enough during the week to pull off at least a little loss.

This weekend didn't turn out so great. I left early in the morning. I had a good breakfast before I left. I wasn't home all day and all I had while out was a chicken salad sandwich from 7-11 and two Cliff bars. Not a good idea. For one everything I ate was high points... and two when I got home I was STARVING! I shoved whatever I could find in my mouth.

And... in a fit of hunger and starvation and fear of dying I justified in my mind that In-N-Out was low points and okay to have a double, fries and a chocolate shake.

The smart thing would have been to come home, journal it and plan today smartly... but you know smart isn't my style... suffering is. So I didn't journal, decided to wait for today to do so - considering I kept a mental list of everything I poured in.

Today I woke up and decided it was Sunday and I'd have a free day considering I probably eat just a little over points yesterday and still have the 49 extra plus the 7 I earned. I assumed I was good and had the points to enjoy today. And again of course I figured "I GOT THIS!" and didn't journal until tonight...

Again NOT a smart move. I didn't eat as light as I thought yesterday and apparently over enjoyed today. I am now negative 66 points. Ouch, I know... and I'm only 2 days into this week... the good news is I have 5 days to make this up! And I CAN DO IT! I will require a little extra walking and workouts everyday this week but I can do it, or at least get close to making up the 66 points. I know when I go to work and workout I can earn at least 10 points. So even if I earn 10 points a day that'll leave me negative 16 points instead of 66 by Saturday morning weigh-in which could possibly give me a loss. I'm going to go for it!

How was your weekend?

Friday, November 01, 2013

November Goals

I borrow this idea from my friend Hollie of SkinnyHollie.com... it's nothing but still an awesome idea that I need to remember to go more often. Set goals and state them clearly.
I know 14.7lbs is a lot to lose in a month, but it is my first month on a fresh start. I've also got a head start by a week. I'm hoping to have lost a few pound this week.

This past week (fresh start) I've been a little wonky on the water drinking. There are 30 days in November. 30 times 8 is 240 glasses of water, so I left a little leeway for a missed glass here an there. It's all about baby steps.

My goal for now is to workout every other day, so far this week I was suppose to workout 4 times, provided I workout tomorrow I would have missed 1 workout. But 3 times in a week is better than I've been lately. Did I mention baby steps? 30 days divided by 2 is 15 workouts... again I'm not trying to set myself up for failure like I have in the past. So my goal is 12 this month. 

I've been keeping score on the right side bio area. 

So do you set monthly, weekly, daily goals? If so... what are they?