Monday, October 18, 2010


I've been journaling on both websites - and and it's all become too much for me... I think what I'm going to do is for right now until Thursday - is paper journal and count points. Yesterday was my birthday so I went to Borders and brought myself a nice calorie counting journal... just like I'm going to try that for a bit and see how it works for me.

I feel I need to focus more on eating a balance diet, I've got points counting down... but I turned 34 this year, I need to start focusing on eating balanced meals and keeping an eye on my sugar intake and sodium. I think will help me pay more attention to balancing my intake...

I still love Weight Watchers and still plan on weighing-in and attending meetings, they offer in person support like no other! I'm just gonna take a break from counting points for a bit.

Right now my birthday goal is to reach 155 by 11/15/10! I think I can do it! Who wants to join me?!

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