Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DietSodaDiva's Holiday Challengers

On your mark, get set, GGGGOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! And we're off! DietSodaDiva's Official Holiday Challenge has started. We have 50 days to reach our goals. And get through the holidays on program. Check in with us weekly to see our progress!

Name: Amy
Blog: http://onemoretimediva.blogspot.com
50 Day Goal: TBA

Name: Brittney
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/SmileWithUrHeart
50 Day Goal: Lose 16.5 pounds

Name: Hollie L.
Blog: http://skinnyhollie.com
Location: Tennessee
50 Day Goal: Lose 10 Pounds

Name: Jen
Blog: http://pabstfamilyjs.blogspot.com/
50 Day Goal: Lose 20 Pounds

Name: Kelly S.
Location: Wisconsin
50 Day Goal: Lose 20 Pounds

Name: Krista
50 Day Goal: 15 Pounds

Name: Lisa
Blog: http://senseieyes.blogspot.com/
50 Day Goal: Lose 10 Pounds

Location: California
50 Day Goal: Lose 12 Pounds

Name: Sars
Blog: http://runsarsrun.blogspot.com
50 Day Goal: Lose 13 Pounds

Name: Shelly
50 Day Goal: Lose 16.2 Pounds

If for some reason your information hasn't been included and you would like to participate please email me asap... also if anything is incorrect or information you do not want shared please also email me asap I will make sure to change it or take it down.


Gen said...

I want to join your challenge! Just found you on YouTube (saw you found me too!)
I would say in 50 days I can probably lose up to 16 pounds... Put me up there! hihihi!

Rosie said...

Great... just send me your info.