Thursday, November 13, 2008


I seem to be stuck at the same weight for the past three weeks... for two weeks I was 183.2 then today I weighted in again the same, but then noticed the scale was off balance... so the leader re-weighed me and I was 183.0 aaggghhhh still 183.something! aaaggghhh! It's very frustrating but since I blogged my food journal I realized this past week I lived on Weight Watcher shakes, cheese sticks, and Fiber One bars! Not a very balance.

This week, especially with the challenge starting Tuesday I'm going to work on balancing my food better, getting more oils in, and drinking more than my required water. I think now that I've sort of plateaued I'm going to start taking measurements too, but just of my waist - that's where I'm most concerned.

I already started the DietSodaDiva Challenge yahoo group... so if you send me your information to join the challenge, you should of already gotten an invitation... of not please contact me here or by email ASAP so I can get that sent right away.

I'm excited about the Challenge finally starting... aren't you?

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