Thursday, July 02, 2009

And The Scale Says...

It was a crazy night last night... a story I'll save for another blog... I wasn't about to workout today due to lack of sleep... I'm running on empty right now.

I did however get to a WW scale... and guess what it said... I am officially 181.6 pounds! I blew off 8.4 pounds in a week... HOLY!

Of course I would NOT recommend doing what I'm doing. I've been very stressed over Ross so I haven't been able to eat... I'm talking only using 10-12 points a day type thing. This week I'm going to try to use my daily minimum... so far I've used 6.

So, last week I used up an average about of points I was using a day in the past... plus I exercised everyday. My goal is to workout five days a week... so since I skipped today I'm going to be on the trail Saturday morning bright and early.

I'm super burnt out. Gonna go lay down now...


One Pretty Little Box said...

Take that loss and love it ~ no matter how you got it. As I just told someone , somtimes desperate times means taking desperate measures. I think those who stress, AND eat a ton, do their body more harm then good! I know if I am stressed, my stomach seizes up and I don't eat. I couldn't even THINK about eating.

Rosie said...

Funny while on my jog this morning I thought to myself... why didn't I think of this before... lose a boyfriend to lose weight... I've been knocked into such a low place I'm not even hungry anymore... and losing weight.